Treasure under the sea (SEScover story of Biofuels International)

"Seaweed could be the perfect crop for biofuel production, but to make it happen, serious industrial investments are needed."

"In Europe, seaweeds are virtually unexploited, but have in recent years received a surge in interest both as a new "super food" endorsed by celebrity chefs like Jamie Oliver and their potential as a bioenergy crop. There is a growing number of seaweed research projects and scientific publications, largely driven by bioenergy programs."

"The current efforts to establish large-scale seaweed farming appears much more sustained, partially due to the ongoing transition to a renewable energy society, but also due to the growing interest in non-energy uses such as food."

"If big industrial players engage at an early phase and contribute with a commercial drive and industrial competence from the beginning, the technological development could accelerate and get us quicker to the realisation of this emerging and very exciting industry. What are needed are big industrial companies with both financial strength and a bold future vision. The timing for seaweed has never been better."
